Spaceknight Saturdays: The Black Album

What has gone before: In a ± final throwdown with Hybrid, Brandy Clark was taken out of the Starshine armor and put into a deep coma. Now Rom must fight alone.

Well, except for the SHIELD and army guys, except they were never very good. Even the Espers are drawing a blank these days.

And there's Rick Jones, but he's dying of cancer, so yeah... Not THAT much help.

And of course, he could always call on every other superhero in the phonebook, but they all have their own stuff to worry about, like, I dunno, stopping Paste-Pot Pete from gluing a bank or something. Still, Rom should think about picking up that phone because clearly, the Dire Wraiths have are putting it all in this time.
Say what you will about Ditko's Rom (and some of you have), Jackson Guice inks some pretty fearsome Deathwings. The skies are darkened with them as EVERY LAST WRAITH ON EARTH get together for an awesome Burning Man ritual.
Yes, this is the issue in which the Dire Wraiths literally STAB THE SUN! Rom's around, of course, fighting them front...
...and back. But their spells are more powerful than ever and they send Rom into "the darkness of Wraith-Realm" as per the cover. As Rom is about to be lost though, he has a... vision?
How Starshine saves him is a mystery, but the darkness is dispelled, and that's a fact. Doesn't help with the wounded sun however.
For that, Rom goes to the little girl who had a Wraith die in her mind and now knows all about their plans (issue #60). She's traumatized to the point of catatonia, but LOOK INTO ROM'S EYES AND YOU CANNOT DENY HIM!
She gives up the goods. The stab wound is actually a tether that's drawing the Wraith's world and star to our system where they will merge into one. Ooh, that can't be good for us.
There's only one thing for it. We have to arm humanity with neutralizers, and only one person on Earth has the know-how to build them. He's already made one, in fact, but he won't make more. And that man is Forge.
What's this untold chapter of the Wraith War? Come back Friday for a special prologue to our next Spaceknight Saturday and all will be revealed!


Anonymous said…
Stabbing the sun! The Wraiths are geting Grantmorrisonesque!

Siskoid said…
Mantlo is the 80s Morrison.
Servo said…
Love the Spaceknight Saturdays, Siskoid! I've been reading your archives for all your insightful humor on the dude.
I'm glad that someone's reviewing this underappreciated series.

That being said, does anyone else just find it so bizarre that Steve Dikto chose this series to draw? Wasn't this the guy who felt "Marvel has done me and my art wrong" at this time? What, did the man need some food money?

I wonder if this was like some kind of trade out that Marvel gave him: "Hey Steve, help us out with this third-rate series and we'll let you work on Speedball. Doesn't that sound like fun?"